DCP Setseal 1 is a highly effective and easily dispersed waterrepelling additive for sand /cement renders and screeds.
The product is an aqueous dispersion of inorganic silicates. It is diluted with water before use and provides permanent waterproofing and reduced permeability of cement bound mixes throughout their entire mass.
The benefits of using DCP Setseal 1 also include better resistance to chemical attack, increased frost resistance, and reduced efflorescence, all with no reduction in the strength. Setseal 1 may be used with Portland cement (ordinary and rapid hardening) and sulphate resisting cement.
Setseal 1 renders are applied in two, three or four coats depending on the water pressures involved and the type of structure.
Setseal 1 has also been used extensively for the waterproofing of basements, boiler houses, lift shafts, floors, retaining walls, swimming pools and water storage tanks.
Prior to application, all leaks and water jets must be stopped. Substrates should be mechanically prepared by bush hammering, grit blasting etc, to produce a clean exposed aggregate finish, free from dust, oil, grease, paint, laitance, etc., in order to provide a ‘key’ for the Setseal 1 enhanced mortar.
The prepared substrate should be thoroughly dampened with clean water to minimise suction, ensuring there is no surface water present prior to application