DCP Cemflow Level Pro 25Kg x 40 is a high quality, rapid drying, selfsmoothing, dimensionally stable screed for upgrading and renovating new and existing residential and commercial
floors. Cemflow LEVEL PRO is supplied as a pre-blended dry powder designed for application between 1 mm to 30 mm (in one application) and it can receive floor coverings after 24 hours at normal temperatures.
DCP Cemflow Level Pro 25Kg x 40 is suitable for application on to a wide range of sub floor types, including; sand and cement screeds, concrete, terrazzo, granolithic, epoxy and polyurethane resins and waterproofing membranes#
» Single component, requires only addition of water.
» Fast setting.
» Easy and fast application.
» Excellent adhesion.
Cemflow LEVEL PRO complies with EN 13813, Class CTC25-F6.
Concrete and sand/cement screeds must be sound, dry and fully cured (not subject to shrinkage) and any laitance or surface treatments must be removed by mechanical means such as grit blasting.
The surface tensile strength of the substrate should be a minimum 1.5 N/mm². If applying over Cemflow Base/ Renovation, an STR should be used to remove any laitance followed by vacuuming and priming with Cemflow
The concrete substrate should be below 75% RH alternatively Strongcoat DPM should be applied. The temperature of the floor must be maintained above 10oC throughout the application and drying of the Cemflow LEVEL PRO.