Ardex A29 – Rapid Hardening Cement for Internal and External Screeds
Ardex A29 – is a special cement that produces a rapid hardening floor screed for internal and external use. It allows ceramic tiles to be fixed in as little as 24 hours and natural stone and resilient floor coverings in as little as 7 days.
Ardex A29 – Rapid Cement produces bonded, unbonded, floating screeds in internal or external locations. A 1:7 mix is suitable for most normal screeding situations.
After 24 hours, an Ardex A29 Screed passes the BRE Screed (ISCR) (tested on 50mm unbonded at 20°C).
Guidance 20mm-40mm
Ardex A29 should be applied at the conventional thicknesses for regular cement and sand screeds: a Minimum of 20mm at a 1:5 ratio and a minimum of 25mm at a 1:7 ratio (design thickness up to 40mm) for bonded screeds.
Guidance 50mm-75mm
Minimum 50mm for unbonded screeds. Minimum 75mm for floating screeds. 65mm in lightly loaded (domestic) locations.
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