RonaScreed 1 Day Overlay Rapid Drying Screed Cement – 20Kg Bag



SKU 103061416231035628 Category

Cement Replacement System for Rapid Screeds.

  • Rapid strength development
  • Rapid hardening
  • Light foot traffic after 6 hours
  • Rapid drying, can receive floor coverings after 1 day @ 75mm
  • Compatible with underfloor heating systems



Ronascreed 1 Day Overlay – Cement replacement for rapid drying screeds

Ronascreed 1 Day Overlay – Cement replacement for rapid drying screeds is a cement replacement for rapid drying screeds used when laying bonded, unbonded or floating screeds prior to covering with vinyl sheet or other coverings. The fast drying properties allow screeds to be covered with moisture sensitive finishes as early as one day after application. Drying times are determined by many factors including humidity, temperature and mixing. An effective damp proof membrane must be in place.


  • Rapid hardening—light foot traffic in 6 hours
  • Rapid drying—can receive floor coverings such as tiles, vinyl, carpet, and epoxy resin after 1 day @ 75mm thick
  • Apply as bonded, unbonded or floating screed
  • Can be applied as thin as 25mm
  • Rapid strength development
  • Compressive strength >40N/mm² after 28 days
  • Compatible with underfloor heating systems

Using Ronascreed 1 Day Overlay – Cement replacement for rapid drying screeds

It is essential that where no effective damp proof membrane exists RonaScreed DPM is first applied. Refer to RonaScreed DPM data sheet.


When laying a bonded screed (see Table 4) the surface must be mechanically prepared and tested to ensure it is suitable to restrain a bonded screed. Clean the substrate to remove dust and debris, damp with clean water and allow the water to soak in. Remove excess water and apply a bond coat of Ronacrete Rapid Primer well brushed into the damp surface. The screed must be laid on wet or tacky primer, dry primer must be vigorously scratched and reapplied.


RonaScreed 1 Day Overlay Rapid Dry Screed must be machine mixed in a forced action mixer (e.g. CreteAngle pan mixer). Do not use a free fall mixer. Mix the dry components and when evenly dispersed add sufficient clean water for adequate compaction and surface finish and to ensure full hydration of the cement.Compaction of dry mixes will be poor and strength will be low.


RonaScreed 1 Day Overlay Rapid Dry Screed must be placed immediately after mixing. The screed must be compacted and closed with a float or trowel. Avoid overworking the surface. Thicknesses above 50mm may be placed monolithically (wet on wet) in more than one layer to ensure full compaction. Each layer should be of approximately equal thickness. To ensure satisfactory adhesion the lower layer must be raked to  provide a key for the next layer. If the workability of a layer is lost it must be mechanically if it has not been raked, before applying the next layer. Then apply a bond coat of Ronacrete Rapid Primer well brushed onto the surface and apply the next layer on to the wet/tacky primer.


Exposure of RonaScreed 1 Day Overlay Rapid Dry Screed to drying winds and direct sunlight should be avoided.


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Additional information

Suitable for Substrates

Minimum Thickness: 25mm Maximum Thickness: 100mm Compressive Strength @ 28 days: 44 N/mm2 Walkable: 6 Hours Finished Floor Laying After: 24 Hours Suitable for Substrates: Concrete



Ronacrete at Screed Warehouse are a manufacturer of specialist construction materials including Concrete Repair, Resin Flooring, Resin Bound Surfacing and Screeds.
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